ARTICLE 11) An international organism denominated “INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL POUR LES RELATIONS DIPLOMATIQUES” briefly called “I.I.R.D.” has been constituted. Its aim is to strengthen the diplomatic spirit during peace time, in the social and fraternity between nations.
2) The I.I.R.D. is a diplomatic, cultural, historical and social entity, that comprises all people, adults, groups and all those nations that defend those interests contained in the social subject stated in the next article.
3) The I.I.R.D. has its legal and operative premises in Vicenza, Italy, Viale dell'Industria 22.
4) The I.I.R.D. shall be able to open, through the exclusive will of its member, promoter and founder, S.A.R. Dom Rosario Poidimani, Sassonia Coburgo Gotha and Bragança, Duke of Bragança and head of the Royal House of Portugal, delegations throughout the world, under the following denominations: Embassies, Consulates, Honorary Consulates and Diplomatic Missions.
5) The legal and operative premises shall be able to be liberally transferred by its founder and promoter, that has from now on the authority to do so, whenever he retains it necessary, in Italy and abroad, giving immediate communication, by registered letter, to all the members.
6) The I.I.R.D. has an unlimited validity.
The aim of the I.I.R.D. is the following:
1) the understanding between all nationalities, in the harmony of human relations for the development of informative connections of the cultural and economical exchanges, all this through the cooperation of the single government organizations of the embassies, consulates and diplomatic representations together with cultural institutes, academies and press;2) the safeguard of peace in the security and in the progress of mankind throughout the world, in the name of international rights of the people and through the diplomatic representations;
3) the I.I.R.D. is a non-profit sovereign international organization, independent from any nation, political party, national and international organization or religion;
4) the President, as of now, is authorized to request, if necessary, the acknowledgements in Italy and/or foreign nations;
1) The I.I.R.D., whose principal aim is to develop substantial diplomatic activity in the development of cultural relationships between the various countries, will also interpret and promote the Declaration of Human Rights, in conformity to the Charter of Human Rights of the United Nations.
2) The I.I.R.D. gives its moral, intellectual, religious, economical and diplomatic support to all those people of the world which are in particular need.
3) The I.I.R.D. will be able to organize an editorial structure for the diffusion of books, magazines and other forms of social communication, including radio and television, for the continuation of its social objective.
The application of the rights and duties of the members.
The qualification of membership is obtained through an application, signed by the applicant accompanied by 3 (three) photographs; the application can be refused if there exist well-grounded motives; the application automatically involves the acceptance of the charter.
1) The I.I.R.D. admits four categories of members:
a) founders
b) active
c) honorary
d) contributors2) The founder members are all those that integrate the constitution of the I.I.R.D. organism.
3) The active members are those that shall subsequently be subscribed and shall have paid the established fees.
4) The honorary members are those people, national and foreign institutions and nations that dedicate with well-deserved distinction the I.I.R.D. activity.
5) The contributors are those members that have shown sensibility in supporting and upholding, especially economically, the finalities and the initiatives of the I.I.R.D.; they are equal to the active members.
The rights of the members are:
a) to beneficiate from the rights foreseen in the present charter;
b) to fully and freely participate in the diplomatic and cultural activities, particularly through the formulation of proposals, discussions and votes;
c) to elect and be elected in the various executive organisms;
d) to occupy, if necessary, more than one position within the I.I.R.D. organization.ARTICLE 7
The duties of the members are:
a) to follow the rules stated in the charter;
b) to participate in all assemblies, meetings and other activities of the organization;
c) to support and defend the charter objectives;
d) to exercise with diligence the assignments for which they were elected
e) to execute the deliberations emitted by the executive members;
f) to punctually pay the fee.ARTICLE 8
1) The effective members must pay a subscription fee and an annual fee to be determined through an internal communication.
2) The contributing and honorary members shall be obliged to pay an adequate subscription fee together with the annual fees foreseen for the active members.
3) When the members are groups of people, the subscription and the annual fee shall be determined case by case according to the modalities indicated in paragraph 1 of this article.
4) The I.I.R.D. accepts any money offers and donations, real estate assets, movable properties in any country throughout the world.
5) One loses its membership:
a) by resigning (the member will not be exempted to pay the social fee for the current year);
b) for the loss of certain requirements which were the basis for the I.I.R.D. admission;
c) for serious reasons or unworthiness;
d) for not paying the membership fee within the established time:
6) the President of the General Assembly decides on the cases stated under items b) and c).
1) The members who shall violate the present charter or shall not execute the deliberations of the General Assembly or the regulated dispositions of the executive, shall be subject to the following penalties:
a) a written reprimand
b) a suspension up to a year
c) expulsion.
2) The written reprimand and the suspension will be competence of the executive and can be appealed by a written letter to be presented within fifteen days to the President of the General Assembly.
3) The expulsion penalty is competence of the General Assembly President.
The institutional organisms are:
a) The General Assembly
b) The Executive
c) The Fiscal Counsel
d) The Honorary Commission
1) The General Assembly is the meeting of the founder, active, honorary and contributing members in the full respect of their rights.
2) The modifications to the present charter needs 51% (fifty-one percent) of favourable votes of the present members with voting rights.ARTICLE 12
Every single person or groups of people have one vote the vote of the President of the Assembly is decisive.
1) The promoter and founder member S.A.R. Dom Rosario Poidimani, Sassonia Coburgo Gotha and Bragança, Duke of Bragança and Head of the Royal House of Portugal, is nominated President and Administrator for life; the succession to this office will be given by right to his legal heir if not otherwise stated by a will.
H.E. Cardinal Opilio Rossi is nominated Honorary President.
2) The General Assembly President:
a) diplomatically represents the I.I.R.D. in internal and international relationships;
b) has the right to be lifetime president of the Executive and of the Fiscal Counsel;
c) has the right to administer and handle for life all the real estate assets, movable properties and capital of the I.I.R.D., has the faculty to administer according to the ways and terms which he retains most suitable and judges wise, all the above mentioned assets; to open bank accounts in the name of the organization and administrate these; will be able to nominate, should he retain it necessary, special attorneys with temporary mandates for single operations to be decided each time.ARTICLE 14
The General Assembly will extraordinarily meet upon request of its President or upon the request of 80% (eighty percent) of its members in the full respect of its rights.
1) The General Assembly can be summoned by its president at least 8 (eight) days in advance and due to its internationality, the I.I.R.D. will be able to meet anywhere in the world.
2) The summons must be effected by a registered or insured letter mailed to the home address of each member.
3) In case of an urgent assembly meeting, the summons will be made by an official publication on the official paper of the Italian Republic, or on a newspaper of any worldwide nation where the meeting is to be held, with at least a 48 hours notice.
4) The General Assembly will meet at the time and place stated in the summon, half of the members with voting rights must always be present, otherwise the General Assembly will meet an hour later with any number of members.
1) During the assembly, the General Assembly President will nominate a vice-president and a secretary, therefore forming the executive.
2) Should the President renounce, these nominations must be made by the General Assembly by a voting organized by the member spent more years in the organization.ARTICLE 17
The President has the competence:
a) to summon the General Assembly and to sign the relevant notices;
b) to preside the General Assemblies and execute the discipline during the meetings assisted by the vice-president and the secretary;
c) to sign, together with the secretary, all the General Assembly acts;
d) to make each member, having an executive status, sign a statement indicating his position.ARTICLE 18
1) The deliberations shall be decided by the absolute majority of the voting members having the right to vote.
2) The absent members will be able to be represented, in the General Assemblies, by power of attorney; each member will be able to represent up to 10 absent members.
1) The Executive is the organism responsible for the administration of the institution and is constituted by three members.
2) The Executive is composed by the General Assembly President, Vice-President and a Secretary, these last two are nominated for a period of two years, by the President or in case he renounces, by the General Assembly through a voting organized by the member having spent more years in the organization.ARTICLE 20
1) The Executive has the following attributions:
a) to direct and coordinate the activity of the organism;
b) to execute the deliberations of the General Assembly;
c) to admit or refuse the subscription of members;
d) to elaborate the internal regulations for the good functioning of the organism;
e) to represent, through its president, the organism in judicial and outside aspects, either in Italy or abroad
f) to exercise the various attributions that have been permitted by law or by charters.2) The following competes to the President:
a)to coordinate the meetings of the executive;
b)to represent the I.I.R.D. in Italy or abroad.3) The Executive President, when absent, shall be represented by a Member of his choice, who shall present a power of attorney containing special powers given by the absent President..
1) The executive shall meet every time it is necessary.
2) For the deliberations made by the executive, a written report must be made after each meeting.
1) The Fiscal Council is composed by the General Assembly President and by two members nominated by the President, for a period of two years, or in case of renouncement by the General Assembly through a voting organized by the member having spent more years in the organization.
2) The assignments of the Fiscal Council are:
a) to check the fiscal system of acts and documents of the organism, should the same retain it necessary;
b) to assist, through its President, to all the meetings of the executive, should the same retain it necessary;
c) to give an opinion on matters that will eventually be presented before the council for approval.ARTICLE 23
1) The Fiscal Council shall meet every time it is necessary.
1) The Honorary Commission is composed by single people or by groups, national or foreign, known for their worthiness and merits in the social, historical, scientific and diplomatic fields.
2) The number of members of the Honorary Commission is not determined.
3) The integration of the Honorary Commission depends on the deliberations of the executive; the President has the right to integrate into the Commission any person of his choice.
4) The Honorary Commission has merely a consulting function, it gives an opinion on all the matters which are presented by the executive, this is its effective function.
The patrimony of the I.I.R.D. is composed by:
a) the registration of its members;
b) offers and money donations, real estate and movable assets made by any person or institution made anywhere in the world;
c) any other legal form.ARTICLE 26
1) By the exclusive decision made by its promoter and founder S.A.R. Dom Rosario Poidimani, Sassonia Coburgo Gotha and Bragança, Duke of Bragança and head of the Royal House of Portugal, the capital can be assigned to charity in Italy and abroad, after deducting the I.I.R.D organization expenses.
2) Once the organization is dissolved, the patrimony can be assigned to charity for Italian or foreign institutions by the I.I.R.D. and the eventual remaining capital shall be retained by the President to be given to charity according to his discretion.ARTICLE 27
1) The I.I.R.D. will be dissolved with a 100% (hundred percent) vote of all the members or by the exclusive will of its promoter and founder S.A.R. the Duke of Bragança Dom Rosario Poidimani.
2) In case of dissolution, the General Assembly shall designate a settlement commission composed of three members.
The I.I.R.D. organizes each year an international award to be given to those people that have reached the highest distinction in the professional, scientific and working fields and generosity wise.
The award which is named after “ANTONIO MEUCCI” consists in an artistic reproduction of the first telephone patented by Meucci and of a “Certificate of Worthiness”. Its denomination will be ”WORLDWIDE AWARD ANTONIO MEUCCI FOR COMMUNICATIONS, EXCHANGES AND PUBLIC RELATIONS”.ARTICLE 29
The I.I:R.D. will establish an International Academy denominated “International Foundation Academy for Diplomatic International Rights” briefly called “F.A.D.D.I. so to better comprehend in depth the diplomatic and consulate laws; the study of these disciplines are the foundation for important studies such as scientific, judicial, political, economical and social ones that are the necessary requirements to be able to obtain any position in the above mentioned areas.
The Chancellor by right for life of the academy is the founder and promoter member Dom Rosario Poidimani, the successor shall be by right, his legitimate heir, if not stated otherwise by a will.
ARTICLE 30The I.I.R.D. shall issue an international “Well-deserving diplomatic certificates” to all those members, even non members, that have contributed to the development of worldwide relations in all kinds of activities.
Every year, thanks to the generosity of the I.I.R.D. members, a good number of scholarships shall be assigned to those youngsters that are in need in Italy or abroad and are under the age of sixteen; the value of each scholarship shall be established each time.
The finality of the I.I.R.D. shall be punctually advertised and sustained by the periodical “I.I.R.D. Diplomatic Passport”, which is the official organ of the institution and that shall be sent throughout the world to all diplomatic and consulate authorities, royal residences and non, head of states, government organisms and press, all of which are interested in stimulating the worldwide cooperation which is the purpose of the above social institution.
The Executive has the faculty to submit to all its members a referendum to be voted by secret ballot, even by correspondence, for the approval of new activities and proposals.
The Commission for the assignment of scholarships shall be composed by the General Assembly President and the Fiscal Council. This commission shall be always presided by the President, Dom Rosario Poidimani or by someone of his choice having power of attorney.
1) The I.I.R.D. shall appoint by right all those functions and appointments, even diplomatic ones, that are not in contrast with the existing laws of the various countries and nominate the different diplomatic representatives, who shall introduce themselves, where others are not permitted, to effect all those functions pertaining to their position with the consent of the competent authorities.
2) To obtain diplomatic appointments, one must have achieved high ranking merits in the way of human relations and through diplomatic activity.
The above mentioned people must be able to have a prestigious premises at their disposal, where the I.I.R.D. badges and flag are to be exposed and where all the relevant organizations meetings are to be held.
The appointed representatives, as well as the honorary ones, must be prompt in contributing to the economical maintenance of the general expenses of the entire organization including also the scholarship assignments.
The diplomatic appointments foreseen in paragraph 4 of Article 1, are organized in the following manner:
The above assignments are qualifications and are not Honoris Causa, but are valid to all effects: these are not to be identified with those assigned by different countries. Furthermore, honorary assignments are foreseen under items a), b), c) and d).3) No payment is foreseen for the assignments under points 1) and 2) of the present article.
4) All diplomatic I.I.R.D. representatives will have an identification document called “DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT” that must be absolutely presented together with the passport emitted by the pertaining nation of the representative, otherwise the “DIPLOMATIC PASSPORT” will lose its validity.
Furthermore, a ruling indicating the qualifications of each member will be issued with two car licence plates for the diplomatic or consulate car service and other various objects such as a disk, signal horn, with the I.I.R.D. inscription written on each side with different colours from those used by the different public institutions of other countries. All this is to be used exclusively during the performance of the organization activity, always in due respect if the existing laws of the hosting nations.
Any infringement will be punished by a suspension and, in more serious cases, by the expulsion from the organization.
All accredited members shall have the right to diplomatic immunity as per international agreements (Vienna Convention: Diplomatic Relations - Consular Relations)5) Every document shall be transmitted for the eventual judgement and acceptance by the diplomatic nominated representative as well as the interested international organization and governments.
In case of refusal, the diplomatic representative will continue his assignment in private form, Honoris Causa, however always in the full respect of the existing laws of the hosting nation.
Whatever infringement made by the representative will result in the immediate removal from the assignment and the expulsion from the I.I.R.D., also eventual judicial penalties could result.
1) The relations between states, national and international organizations, will be made by the President of the General Assembly or by the Vice-President, should he also be absent, by the Secretary, who is responsible for the Foreign Affairs Department of the I.I.R.D.
2) The I.I.R.D. has established the Foreign Affairs Department with the aim, through its various experts, to perform all those social health, cultural ecological economic and commercial assignments etc., and also to perform all diplomatic relations between nations.
3) The I.I.R.D. has established as official languages for the international relations: Italian, French and English.
1) The I.I.R.D. ideally recalling the international organizations of the United Nations and the Constitutional Charter of the Rights of Man dated 10.12.1948 , which is known and is here entirely understood and approved, establishes the following Departments, Commissions and Councils and other all listed with their relevant aims.
1) The Commission for human rights works for the protection and the expansion of spiritual, cultural, biological values and to defend the dignity of man as such and fights against all those violations that go against the rights of man and its fundamental freedom.
2) It sustains that to preach social justice is a must, but to carry it out is an obligation which must not be avoided by anyone, and to appoint together with the application of social justice, dignity and equity with relevant personal burdensome sacrifices, avoiding haughtiness and egocentrism which strangle the spirit, the mind and the aim.
3) It nominates an important International member, with the intent to prevent and to eliminate any form of constitutional unlawfulness that can verify itself in those nations that have a tyrannical, dictatorial, absolutistic and pseudo-democratic regime.
4) It denounces to the United Nations those States that carry out police tortures and bloody imprisonments together with “judicial farses” that lead to death sentences.
5) It disowns any kind of urban and guerrilla warfare.
6) It creates an international assistance fund for the persecuted victims and prisoners, and for those who have been tortured, therefore becoming an invalid.
The Ecumenical Commission is a dialogue of dignity between men of goodwill concerning the various religions and societies. This Ecumenical Commission proposes an understanding between Christians and monotheistic religions and due respect towards any kind of religious belief.
The aim of the Department for industry and environment is to save and improve the habitat of man so that it is uncontaminated and unpolluted. The above mentioned Department operates so that the human being is always protected in the most possible way, in the development and in the execution of the various working activities, favouring personality and creativity.
The Economical Financial Department works for the development of worldwide economy, keeping in mind the legitimate right of each single person as well as the countries.
It operates so that all men have the means to conduct a dignified economical existence.
It favours the economical and financial cooperation between public institutions, nations and private citizens.
1) The Commission for interventions in third world nations operates to better inform Nations on those problems concerning Third World countries so to favour interventions and cooperation in order to contribute to the future development of these.
2) It condemns racism, considering it an expression of incivility and pathological mania of persecution.
The aim of the Agricultural Department is to awaken public opinion on the primary role that agriculture has in any society.
It proposes, through research and studies, the development of solutions regarding this field.
The aim of the Department for the Development of the International Commercial Exchanges is to give the most extensive and practical assistance for the development and for the improvement of relationships between commercial and industrial enterprises, public and private institutions; to cooperate in the organization of exhibits, fairs and shows; to cooperat between governmental and non-governmental authorities on a national and international level.
The aim of the Department of Tourism, Show Business and Social Communication is to create the right conscience in the use of the mass-media so that it is not the instrument of massive bad information, but the valid vehicle to true information, for the benefit of the entire public opinion.
Therefore, the department is interested in promoting literature, television, radio, press, movies and tourism in general, in order to give the public opinion elevated and social instruments.
The Commission for the Protection of Health and Environment promotes activities for the protection of physical and moral health of the human being in his environment; it promotes scientific research and studies in all those fields that are valid in order to fight illness.
1) The Department for Instruction and Culture promotes cultural and scientific knowledge so that man can understand better his role in the society as well as in the world because cultural elevation produces wellbeing and civil development, and, consequently, peace.
Therefore it creates an apolitical opinion and cultural movement through seminars, round tables, schools etc.2) The merits of each citizen, when these are really effective for the social progress of the nation, shall be kept in due consideration and privilege by the governments of their nations, therefore compensating these merits without further prejudices or hesitations.
Today the self-taught man, the eclectic or the scientist are rarely appreciated ; on the contrary instead of encouraging and admiring the benefits of these faithful servants of worldwide culture, one often assists to a disguised persecution that puts under accusation ones intelligence because missing an academic or university degree. In many cases, the scientist is obliged to continue his studies and researches in other nations.3) The Department shall have the faculty to organize free and private universities, superior research and study institutions, all independent nation wise.
1) The aim of the International Ecological Court is to protect of human, animals and plants life quality from pollution.
To permit to the victims of industrialized nations to bring before constituted international judicial and apolitical court all their accusations and ask for the protection and safeguard of the environment in which they live in.2) It condemns and disowns atomic experiments as well as nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, which are signs of barbarity as well as social and political regression.
1) Ambassadors, politicians, men of culture and art and economists participate to the peace club.
Its aim is to promote the international understanding of peace and to develop in its members the comprehension and friendship so to become peace promoters at the service of the communities that they represent.2) With civil and democratic worldwide unity, peace can be obtained, rendering therefore the security of the nations.
3) The use of diplomacy in the obtaining of peace is a good measure to take in every nation, regardless of its political ideology, keeping always in mind the right of independence of each nation and the principle of non-interference in the internal political affairs of each government.
4) The I.I.R.D. condemns any political, religious or racist persecution.
5) The peace club has established an international prize called “PEACE IN THE WORLD BETWEEN MEN OF GOODWILL.”
The aim of the Department of Consultation, Coordination and Cooperation is to manage the various I.I.R.D. activities and therefore it is in the position of offering consulting advice to institutions and organizations, either study wise or on a practical-operative basis in all the I.I.R.D. sectors of interest.
1) The lifelong President of each department, commission or other, by right is the President of the General Assembly, its founder member and promoter.
His successor, always by right, shall be his legitimate heir if not otherwise stated by will.2) Every department, commission or other, shall be composed of a president, a vice-president and of a secretary.
The position assignments of vice-president and secretary of each institution is exclusively done by the I.I.R.D. General Assembly or by its President, who has in any case the faculty to make the decision.ARTICLE 39
Furthermore, the I.I.R.D. establishes for its good functioning and keeping in mind what is stated under Article 37 of the charter:
• the Secretary and the Vice-General Secretary of the Departments, Commissions and other;
• Diplomatic Council of the I.I.R.D. President
• Council for European Unity;
• Council for Judicial problems;
• Council for Occupational and Working Problems;
• Council for Information and press;
• Council for Social Services;
• Council for Reserved Affairs;
• Department for Foreign Affairs;
• The Diplomatic Council for Political and Parliamentary Relations;
• Permanent Security Council composed of: Head of Police Administration, two vice-police administrators, a secretary and a vice-secretary
• Council for the Condition of Women in the World;
• Council for Human Rights;
• Council for the African, American, Asiatic, European, Indian, and Middle-East matters.All the above mentioned institutions shall depend from the various Departments, Commissions and/or others and their relevant representatives, head of which shall be the President of the General Assembly, will form “The Supreme Security Council” that shall be summoned by the President in case of urgency and extreme importance.
All deliberations voted and issued by the Security I.I.R.D. Council are irrevocable.ARTICLE 40
1) The I.I.R.D. founder and promoter president S.A.R. Dom Rosario Poidimani, Sassonia Coburgo Gotha and Bragança, Duke of Bragança, has the faculty to provide, every time he retains it necessary, all those international, public and private recognitions, particularly the ones of the United Nations.2) The I.I.R.D. can cooperate with ONU, FAO, UNESCO, AIEA, OIL, OMS, BIRS, SP, AID, FMI, UPU, UIT, OMM. IMCO, OVA, OSA, OERS; MEAC, EAC, CEE, OCAMM, MEC; SAMA/CEE and with all the worldwide governments and exiled ones, reigning houses and non of Europe and the world, with the Worldwide Peace and Security Parliament, with the Peace University of Costa Rica, with the International Noble Archives of Andorra and with all those national and international, public and private organizations that are retained necessary.
ARTICLE 41The I.I.R.D. shall issue regulations relevant to the execution of this charter and its explanatory rules.
It shall issue decrees for the formation of international judicial organizations, which are in the position to check and to protect all that is foreseen in the social objective.
These regulation issues are to be intended as an integral part of the present charter.ARTICLE 42
The I.I.R.D. establishes also to be immediately accomplished:
a) the “Supreme International Justice Court for the Protection of Human Rights”;
b) the “International Conscience Court”;
c) the “International Court for the Protection of Nature”;
international law experts, scientists, national and international organization representatives and ecologists shall pertain to the above mentioned organizations,
President by right shall be the General Assembly President, while duties of general attorney shall be performed by the vice-president; among the various field experts to be nominated, there will be also important magistrates.
All the sentences issued are irrevocable.2)
a) the “International Goodness Year”;
b) the “Alliance of Human Nations for a Peaceful Cooperation”;
c) ”Safeguard of the Indian and Aboriginal Populations”;
d) the “International Institution for the Assistance of the Needy” denominated “Worldwide I.I.R.D. Funds for the Economy and Labour Protection”. President by right is the I.I.R.D. General Assembly President.
Since May 26th, 1979, date of the I.I.R.D. Inaugural Ceremony in the Pordenone premises in front of the Honorary President, H.E: Prof: Gaspare Ambrosini-Constitutional Court President, the following States have subscribed to the I.I.R.D. official Act through their own political representatives:
Furthermore, for this occasion, the moral support of the highest ranking political and cultural authorities together with the religious ones was given.
The I.I.R.D. also cooperates, in order to reach its foreseen social aims, with the Peace University of the United Nations and with the Worldwide Parliament for the Security of Peace, that is an internal government observance organization of the United Nations.